Geoff Babb - Founder, Author,
Change and growth are things that happen to all of us. One essential thing my stroke has taught me is that we should expect and value these things. For me, change was quite abrupt and fierce when I had my stroke on November 10, 2005. In the hospital for 2 months, not able to speak for 1 month, and now 9 years later, I am still unable to walk. But my mind is sharp (probably sharper than before), I can talk (albeit quieter), I work a full schedule, and am involved with several fitness and outdoor pursuits – Pilates, adaptive skiing, kayaking, and horseback riding. I am grateful every day to live a rich life.The growth comes with the change, and every day I am wiser and more aware of the world around me.
I have great support from family and friends. I consider myself a gimp – grateful, inspired, motivated, and positive. Onward! Embodies my attitude that every day will be a great day and that I will accomplish something new. Real Life with Geoff Babb from Morgan Johnson on Vimeo. |
Yvonne Babb - Caregiver, Mobility |
[Full bio coming soon!]
Jake Stein -
Jake Stein graduated from Portland State University with a degree in English and writing. In addition to having his student journalism and short fiction published through the school, he worked as editor-in-chief for PSU’s student magazine, Portland Spectrum. As a child, Jake Stein was diagnosed with aplastic anemia, a disease in which the bone marrow ceases to produce blood cells. After three years of transfusions, he finally kicked the disease after receiving a low radiation bone marrow transplant, and made a full recovery. Jake currently works in the Pacific Northwest as a writer, director and composer for film.
Check out his creative work at |
Emory Babb -
Emory Babb studies philosophy, political science, and public relations at the University of Oregon. He is the the midst of this senior year and is excited to join the workforce. In his free time Emory build websites, edits writing, and plays League of Legends.
Follow him on Twitter @Emory_Babb |